How to have the successful soul led business your desire

Feb 10, 2023

If you’re anything like me and came from a successful career into the world of entrepreneurship because you desired to  have freedom, follow your purpose, do something you were passionate about, AND make incredible money doing it, then this is for you.


The biggest hurdle for you to overcome shifting from a successful career into being a successful soul led entrepreneur might not be what you think. 


The biggest hurdle for you to overcome is…


Your ego. 


Shifting from success, status, a high income, high achievements, being seen as a leader, to starting at the bottom, being a nobody, with no clients, no income and not knowing what you’re doing… Well it's tough. 


Not because you’re not resourceful or smart. 

Not because you can’t figure it out or know what to do. 

Not because you weren’t born to lead. 


But because your ego can’t cope. 


And so it creates an avalanche of negative thoughts in order to protect itself…


What if I fail?

What if I make a fool of myself?

Where are the clients?

Why is this so hard?

What’s wrong with me? 

Maybe I’m not cut out for this? 


Sound familiar?? 


For so long I watched success stories of young online coaches coming from low paying jobs, where they had been making $20 an hour, and the beliefs they had to overcome in order to become multiple 6 or 7 figure business owners. 


Thoughts like…

I’m not cut out to be a leader.

I’m not worthy of high cash months. 

I’m not sure if I can manage a team. 


And these stories never resonated with me, and it’s seriously not until now that I have just figured out why.


I was the opposite. 


I wasn’t that young. lol. 

I was used to a high salary.

I was used to success. 

I was used to people seeing me as a leader and managing teams.

I was used to having influence. 

I was used to things working out for me. 


So when I stepped into the entrepreneurial world… well I didn’t have any of those things. 


And my ego made me feel like a massive loser before I even began.


With stories like… I’m not making any money, I don’t have any clients, I’m a massive failure. 


The thing with thoughts is; THEY. ARE. NOT. TRUE. 


But they feel so real. They slow you down. They keep you procrastinating. Doubting yourself. Judging yourself. Or overworking and burnt out. All to try and prove your value, your worthiness, your capabilities. 


When I finally started having some success and scaling the fear became even bigger, because what if I can't keep this up. What if I go backwards, why is this so hard? In a constant loop of striving, aligning, releasing, achieving. Celebrating for a minute, setting the next goal. Then doing it all over again.


You can keep doing this; Healing, mindset work, releasing resistance, implementing new strategies. It does work, but it’s hard, and it’s never ending, because with every new level there is a new devil.  The negative thoughts never stop, because the ego is always there. Either clinging to what it has, or in resistance to what it doesn't have. 


If you truly want the freedom, the abundance, the joy, the fulfillment that you seek, then it can’t be found in any of those things. 


Your problem isn’t that you’re getting it wrong. You aren’t  a failure, or an imposter. You don’t need to figure out the next move. Or heal every childhood wound. 


You need to dissolve the ego and allow your soul to lead.


You need to come to the awareness that the true you doesn't need healing, fixing, changing. The true you is eternal, infinite, powerful. It’s the ego that’s wounded, but this is not you


You need to find the inner peace, knowing and absolute love for who you are. Regardless of anything external. Regardless of the money, the clients, the milestones. You need to let go of what it will look like, what makes sense, what seems logical. You need to cultivate the deep self trust that can only be found in oneness, in truth, in your soul. In awakening. 


And when you do…


You finally discover your true path.

You finally discover your true power.

You finally learn how to command from the Quantum.

You finally know that you’re whole and complete. 

You finally feel the abundance and freedom within. 


The wealth, success, abundance …. Well that's just a by-product. It’s inevitable. It’s all available.  


You can’t find the ease you seek in the 3D world by trying to make the changes there.


The 3D world is a reflection, a shadow, an illusion. It’s the 5D that creates. It’s the internal world, your energy, your vibration, it's who you are being that is creating and magnetizing from the Quantum field.  


It’s already done.


Your work isn't to figure it out. Your work is to allow it to flow through you in more magical ways than you ever could have imagined.


If this resonated with your soul then my 1:1 coaching could be for you. Find out more here


Love Susan x

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There is an easier way and it's simpler than you think. Let me show you how. 

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How to have the successful soul led business your desire

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