How to manifest your dream life

manifestation quantum soul awakening Jan 26, 2023
manifest your dream life

 You have the ability to manifest the most incredible dream life you have ever imagined, and I’m going to teach you how. 


First, you must understand that manifestation is not attracting what you want. Manifestation is an awareness that you are attracting who you are being, or what you are vibrating, in every moment. 


All day, every day you are manifesting, or attracting your life. ALL of it. The good, the bad, the ugly.


So, the million dollar question is… how do we manifest our dream reality?


There are so many manifestation techniques, teachings and processes out there, and quite frankly, most of them are total BS. 


Most manifestation techniques are not much more than repeating some fluffy affirmations (which you don’t believe), or teaching you to do crazy things like write your desires out 55 times for 5 days, which ultimately just gives you hand cramps and not much else. (I know, I tried. lol)


And while you might have been studying manifestation or the law of attraction for years and might think you know it all. I promise, what I’m about to share with you is so different from anything else you’ve been taught. 


And let’s be real… if you had all the answers you wouldn’t be here reading this. So, be open, be receptive, take it all in, because what I’m about to share with you will radically change your life. 


You’ve been taught that to manifest your big dreams,  you need to first be clear on what you want. Second the Universe lines it up, and third to be open to receiving it. Yes, this is ultimately how it works but you know it’s much more complex and much easier said than done. 


The truth is our 3D reality is reflecting our vibration or energy and this is connected to our thoughts, beliefs, and emotions. Most manifestation practices, or the ones that actually have some merit, will help you to focus on your desire AND identify and release resistance. 


The ONLY thing in your way of receiving everything you desire is your resistance. Which is the thoughts,  beliefs and emotions that  you have about why your desires aren’t available for you.


For example if you currently doing $10K months in your business, but would love to jump to $30K months quickly, and your dominant thoughts are:

  • I don't know how I would do this
  • When I have launched something before sales have been slow
  • How would I even handle that many clients, I’d get burnout
  • Making that much money is not possible
  • I need a bigger following to make that much money

Then you have resistance. 


Now none of these things are the truth, they are simply limiting thoughts or perspectives. Or should I say, none of these things affect your ability to jump from $10K to $30K in 30 days. It's just your mind is making up stories about why you can’t have what you desire based on what it knows.


The thing about the mind is that it’s like a muscle, it's been trained. The beliefs of your parents, what you were taught in school, what you have experienced in the past, what society has conditioned you to believe is true, is what the mind is basing its thoughts on. 


The thoughts are not the truth, they are simply conditioned responses, mostly rooted in the past. 


To release this resistance you can do mindset work, subconscious work, healing work, shift the negative thoughts into more positive ones that support your desires, and of course take inspired aligned action. 


For example you could shift your thoughts to…

  • I have seen other people do this
  • I have sold things when I have launched before, and this time I could sell more than ever
  • I can get support handling more clients, or create programs that are more scalable 
  • Lots of people make that much money. Etc. etc


As you do this you will start to think differently, believe differently, feel differently and as a result experience a different reality. You will shift into alignment. 


However, the fact that you have 12000-60000 thoughts a day and 95%  are exactly the same as the day before means that for a lot of people there is a lot to overcome. 


If you know what to look for, what to shift, this work is incredibly powerful. The process of uncovering and releasing resistant thoughts and aligning your energy is the exact process that took my business from $0 months to $15K months in 60 days.


This is what I have done, and what I have taught and still do teach in a lot of my programs. My core signature Manifestation program , Magnetic AF will absolutely teach you how to do this. 


But there is an even deeper liberation. 


A quicker, faster, more magical way to create your ultimate dream life. To bring you deep happiness, fulfilment, joy, abundance, and everything you desire. 


One of the big reasons that it's difficult for most people to manifest what they truly desire is there is a strong attachment to the thing they are trying to manifest, a neediness. It’s this neediness, the wanting, that keeps you separate from it. The belief that your life will be better when you manifest “your big desire” is the exact belief keeping you trapped.


This sounds like:


I really really want this because then I will feel….

When I have this my life will be better because…


But this is not true. There is nothing outside of you that can bring you what you truly desire. Your life is right now in this moment; and all of the joy, fulfilment, happiness you seek is right here, right now, in this moment. 


So let's get down to the juicy stuff… 



The 3 steps to manifest your ultimate dream life are:
1. Awaken your soul

When you release the thoughts completely, or are able to disassociate from the mind, and connect deeper to your truth, your soul, your inner aliveness, your consciousness; this is the space where you unlock your full potential. In order to find this we must disconnect from the ego, from the mind, and find deep acceptance of what is. When you are able to achieve this you experience the joy and freedom you seek, without needing anything to change. You feel whole and complete and can manifest from neutrality, not neediness. You feel the peace, the happiness you desire, right now, no matter what. This is bliss.  


2. Understanding the Quantum

When you actually understand how this Universe works there is a deep remembering, a letting go, an internal shift that needs to be experienced. You've been programmed to believe the world works one way, and it's not until you truly understand how it actually works that you can free yourself from false conditioning and limitations.

Think of it like if you were raised where the only mode of transport was a push bike and you wanted to cross the country. In order to do this you would need to map out and plan how many weeks it would take, what you would need to do to prepare, the food you’d need to pack, plans stops etc. 


Now imagine that you discover that planes exist, and you can now fly to the other side of the country in just a couple of hours, rather than the many weeks it would have taken on a push bike. How does your thinking change? How do you actions change? This is what it’s like when you shift from 3D old paradigm matrix programming (how you’ve been brought up), into a Quantum reality. 


3. Commanding Miracles

When you are deeply content, fulfilled, happy right now, when you’ve found this inner truth, your soul; and understand how the Quantum field actually works, then commanding miracles is the last step. Knowing which part of the process is yours, which is not, how to listen and follow intuitive guidance, and have deep self trust is key.   Commanding miracles and creating your dream life is actually what you were born to do. We are all limitless creators, and remembering your true power and knowing how to use it is what you are now being called to do. It's why you are here.


If you’re ready to awaken your soul and command miracles then Unlocked and Unleashed is the place for you. A powerful mastermind that combines Conciseness + Quantum + Manifestation and will completely transform your life. 


Much love, Susan x


Access the Effortless Manifestation Masterclass

Imagine a life where your soul's deepest desires flowed to you with ease. A life where you felt deep inner peace, absolute freedom and joy. A life where the most abundant  manifestations, so much more magical than you could ever imagine, effortlessly came into your life without you having to do all of the manifestation processes you have been taught. 

There is an easier way and it's simpler than you think. Let me show you how. 

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How to have the successful soul led business your desire

You were born knowing the truth

How to manifest your dream life