You magnetise who you are BEing

manifestation mindset Jul 09, 2021

My entrepreneurial journey has been up and down. 


Like most women who enter this space, the road is never easy. There is SO much to learn…. about business, about yourself, about your craft, about marketing, about sales, and for me, most importantly… about energy. 


You are faced with constant challenges, all the deep dark fears you may have had buried for years rise to the surface, and in some ways you can struggle to know who the hell you even are anymore.


I have undergone such a profound personal shift over the last 5 years, who I am isn't even recognisable to me in so many ways.


When I first started my coaching business it was so hard. I mean how the hell do you grow an online business?! I had no freaking clue!


There were SO many people offering a magic solution, and I signed up for SO many courses…. Free challenges, downloads, masterclasses and high end programs too. 


I tried learning everything from creating high end offers and building funnels, to learning organic marketing techniques and cold outreach. 


And none of it sat well with me, and it all felt hard. So hard. 


Nothing ever felt like it was working. 


It’s not to say the approaches I learned didn't work for others, in fact I saw that they did work which just made me feel like a bigger loser to be honest.


That was until I had my most powerful lesson… 


It wasn't what I was doing, it was who I was BEing. 


It wasn't my actions at all, it was my energy. It was my identity. It was who I was showing up as.


I was showing up and taking action from the energy of…

> Nothing is working out for me.

> This is so hard.

> Who's going to buy from me.

> Maybe I'm no good at this.

> Will people pay my prices. 

> I don't know what i'm doing. 


When I finally had this breakthrough, when I was able to identity how I had been self sabotaging, and when I finally shifted how I felt, everything changed.


I started showing up in the energy of…

> I know I can help women have powerful transformations.

> I have something amazing to offer.

> Of course my soul aligned clients will pay what I'm asking.

> The right people will be drawn to me.

> I can trust myself.

> I know I will be guided.

When I shifted who I was showing up as everything changed. Rapidly.


People started commenting on posts, reaching out to me, and most importantly… buying from me!


After 9 months of averaging $500 a month I jumped to a $5K month, a $15K month, and then a $15K week, all within 4 months.


It was never about the actions, it was always about who I was BEing.


This is the magic to success, to scaling, to quantum leaps. 


If you're ready to embody that next level version of you and collapse time, to embody the leadership, confidence and expansion vibes that are required to quantum leap; then check out the Embodiment Masterclass which will teach you all the magic. 


Love Susan x

Access the Effortless Manifestation Masterclass

Imagine a life where your soul's deepest desires flowed to you with ease. A life where you felt deep inner peace, absolute freedom and joy. A life where the most abundant  manifestations, so much more magical than you could ever imagine, effortlessly came into your life without you having to do all of the manifestation processes you have been taught. 

There is an easier way and it's simpler than you think. Let me show you how. 

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