You were born knowing the truth

quantum soul awakening Feb 02, 2023

You were born knowing. 

Knowing how this world works, knowing the truth.

When you were born you expected to be cared for. You looked at the world without judgment. 

You opened your eyes and you simply observed. There was no judgment. How could there have been?

You hadn't created any meaning about things, you had no words to describe them.You operated purely on instinct, expecting your needs would be met.

When they put you on your mothers chest you knew, you instinctively knew she was the one. You instinctively knew to seek out the breast. You just knew. You felt it. You trusted. 

When you were hungry you cried and you were fed. When you were soiled you cried and you were cleaned. When  you were tired, uncomfortable, hot, or cold you cried, and your needs were met.When you wanted love and affection you cried and you were picked up and cuddled.


You knew. You instinctively knew. The world responded to you. Whatever you desired. You asked. It was given.


You expected to be cared for. You expected to be supported. When you opened your eyes you saw colours and shapes, you saw smiles and faces. Your senses started to awaken. 


You felt energy. You could sense people's energy. It’s why you fell asleep easily being rocked in the calm and loving arms of your mother. And It's why you couldn't sleep in the arms of that same mother when she was stressed, anxious or frustrated. You felt her energy.


You knew that whatever you desired would be provided. And as you grew, into a toddler and then a child you still held onto this knowing, although it was slowly being diminished.


As a toddler and child you believed you could be anything. You believed you could have anything. You saw no limits. You didn’t have judgements. You were full of love and joy and fun. You were always present in the moment. In life. The construct of time didn't exist for you. 


Until you were “taught”....


The world doesn't work the way you know. You can’t have everything that you want. There are limits. You don’t deserve that. We can’t afford that. You can’t speak unless spoken too. You must always listen to me. I know better than you. You are only a child and don't know anything. I know more than you. I am right, you are wrong. The world is hard. Life isn’t fair. There are limitations. We can’t afford that. Money is hard. Work is hard. Stop mucking around. Stop that fun. Be quiet. Be still. 


And slowly you lost that innocence, you lost that knowing. You stopped believing you could have it all, that the world responded to you. You forgot that you were limitless.


You started judging yourself, others, and circumstances. This is good, that is bad. I need to be a certain way to keep people happy. Making lots of money is bad, or hard. Following what you love is hard, or not profitable. Life is hard. Relationships fail. I need to be a certain way to be loved or worthy. I can’t have it all.


But you used to know. You were born knowing. And you can remember. When you realize that you were born knowing the truth you start to awaken again.


You realize the thoughts and beliefs you have are all constructs of the mind. You have learnt them all. They are not the truth. Whether they are “positive” thoughts or “negative” thoughts, they aren’t truth.  They are patterns of thought you have practiced. You were born knowing the truth.


And so you can work on shifting every limiting belief, or you can choose to go beyond the beliefs altogether and experience truth. 


When you were born you saw the world for what it was. Life was simple. Life was beautiful. You were full of joy. You knew happiness came from within and that the world was magical. Now you are an adult and you are capable of so much more. You have knowledge and experience and language and wisdom. 


But the truth is still the same. When you connect back to the truth, to your inner knowing, to your soul, to the pure love you were born with, life starts to change. Freedom is found. Happiness is found. Bliss surrounds you. 


When you awaken your soul you are led, you are guided, you receive the answers, without seeking. Not from the mind, not from logic, but in the stillness, the intuitive pulls. 


When you remember the truth of the Quantum, source energy, the Universe from which you were born, and you un-learn the false constructs of the mind made thoughts, beliefs, and limits you were taught, life starts to respond differently. 


And when you combine this knowing with your true power of creation you understand that you have always been limitless.


You understand that life responds to you. You have the power to call in and create anything you desire. You magnetise and materialise it all. 


If you’re ready to remember the truth, connect to your soul, materialise from the Quantum field and be led by your knowing the Awaken Your Soul Collective Membership is for you. 


This is the space where truth is found. The space where consciousness + quantum + manifestation merge, and miracles are created.


This blog is dedicated to my daughter Mila who is an infinite source of wisdom, joy and inspiration, and who I will do my best to make sure she always remembers the truth. 


Access the Effortless Manifestation Masterclass

Imagine a life where your soul's deepest desires flowed to you with ease. A life where you felt deep inner peace, absolute freedom and joy. A life where the most abundant  manifestations, so much more magical than you could ever imagine, effortlessly came into your life without you having to do all of the manifestation processes you have been taught. 

There is an easier way and it's simpler than you think. Let me show you how. 

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You were born knowing the truth

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