Quantum Expansion


The mindset, manifestation and embodiment secrets to Quantum leap your business success.


Soul Aligned Business Accelerator


The mindset, manifestation and embodiment secrets to quantum leap your business success.


I know you’ve got massive freaking dreams


You’ve been working so hard, hustling away and  yet you still can’t create the income you desire

You’ve signed up for countless marketing and strategy courses, worked with the business coaches,  and yet what they teach just doesn’t seem to work for you

I mean you’re  getting some results for sure, some tactics work, but they leave you feeling drained, exhausted and doubting whether you’ve really got what it takes to make this work 

Even though you know you’re good at what you do, you still feel like you have to convince clients to buy from you and constantly feel like you’re trying to prove your value

You are so sick of watching everyone else succeed and wondering what you’re doing wrong

And you know, like you deeply know in your soul, that you are capable of so much more and that there must be an easier way


Babe, I get it. And you are in the right place...



In the beginning


Of my business I signed up for high ticket programs that taught me how to create the perfect offer, how to create funnels, how to market organically, they gave me scripts for DM’s, posting schedules, a sales call script. I was told that $20K months would require 10 hours of sales calls a week. 

None of it sat right with me. 

So I abandoned it all and dived into the world of manifestation, learning the power of focus, alignment, energetics and my whole world changed. 

I went from $0 months to $15K months, to $15K weeks all within 4 months and kept scaling from there. 

Over the next 2 years I learnt to trust my intuition, connected deeper to my power and let my soul lead the way.

I discovered how to blend the energy and strategy, the masculine and feminine, the alignment and action. 

Now I’m obsessed with helping female entrepreneurs scale their empires through mindset upgrades, energetic alignment and soul led strategies. Allowing them to ditch the cookie cutter strategies, past conditioning, and masculine hustle energy, so they can work less, and magentise their next level of abundance with ease.

And now it's your turn.


Imagine what it would feel like... 


To wake up everyday feeling completely empowered and in love with your business. Operating from a place of fun, fulfillment  and intuitive guidance, magnetizing your most soul aligned clients with ease. 

Having a deep unshakeable knowing of your worth and value and being led with a deep self trust. Imagine working in a way that feels in complete alignment for you and skyrocketing your success to $10K, $20K months and beyond now.

Imagine understanding how to release what holds you back simply and quickly so you never feel stuck again; and being able to fully align with your desires so they manifest so fast it blows your mind.


The truth is…


Your beliefs are more powerful than your actions. 

Your energy is more powerful than your strategy. 

Your intuition is more powerful than all the experts and gurus. 

The Quantum is more powerful than ALL of your past experiences and logic. 


It's never been about what you're doing, it's always who you're being that matters most.




Pillars of the program:



To collapse time and call in a new reality you must have absolute clarity on what that looks like for you, and a rock solid belief to match. With my guidance you will define your highest vision, and rediscover a new sense of passion and purpose in your business. As you activate your true soul’s purpose you will unlock new insights that will lead you forward in a powerful way.



Business should be fun. It should feel good to you. You will access a deep understanding and connection to your most soul aligned clients and how to call them in. Learn to create absolute on fire offers that deliver world class results for your clients, and that you are truly excited to deliver. Uncover and release the “shoulds” from your business, and instead design a business you truly love. Learn to operate from unstoppable confidence, self belief and self worth and watch the Universe respond to match. 



Business should be fun. It should feel good to you. You will access a deep understanding and connection to your most soul aligned clients and how to call them in. Learn to create absolute on fire offers that deliver world class results for your clients, and that you are truly excited to deliver. Uncover and release the “shoulds” from your business, and instead design a business you truly love. Learn to operate from unstoppable confidence, self belief and self worth and watch the Universe respond to match. 



The only thing in your way of your expansion is you. Harsh I know, but when you own this, everything shifts. Uncover how your mind has created the resistance or blocks that have been holding you back and learn how to rapidly release them (and no it doesn't require years of healing). Rewire limiting beliefs and sabotaging behaviors. Step into the future version of you already living your dream life and see the world through a new lense. Practice embodying her now and watch your reality shift to match.



It's about flow, not hustle. Once you’re aligned with your purpose, and have cleared the resistance, it's about taking aligned action. Develop deep self love, confidence and trust as you allow your soul to lead the way and show up as the leader you were born to be. You’ll learn to  harness universal energies & take intuitive led aligned action which will manifest the most insane results. 



It's about flow, not hustle. Once you’re aligned with your purpose, and have cleared the resistance, it's about taking aligned action. Develop deep self love, confidence and trust as you allow your soul to lead the way and show up as the leader you were born to be. You’ll learn to  harness universal energies & take intuitive led aligned action which will manifest the most insane results. 

This container is designed to guide you as you create your most soul-aligned business, and magnetise next level results. Leave limitations and fear behind and focus more on what you love.


Who this is for :

  • You are ambitious, driven are all in for your next level 
  • You are prepared to take 100% responsibility for everything in your life
  • You know you create your own reality and want to deepen your understanding
  • You want to be paid for being you and you’re ready to show up fully
  • You’re ready to receive an abundance of money 
  • You want to have a business on your own terms that you love
  • You are prepared to do the real work, the alignment work
  • You are ready to let go of your limiting beliefs around success and money being hard
  • You are ready to step into the more confident, empowered, lit up version of you
  • You are self led and can easily follow a self paced program and get insane results
  • You are ready to take a quantum leap in your success and master manifestation

What's included:


Access to the most potent portal of trainings guiding you through everything you will ever need to align, release and embody your next level of abundance in your business without the hustle or burnout. We’re covering the mindset, energetics and soul guidance of everything from  soul clients + offers + confidence + worthiness + money + leadership + more. I share all the most potent Manifestation and alignment techniques that allowed me to scale from 0 to $15K months in 60 days, and keep scaling All the mindset and energetic tools you will ever need magnetise the clients and cash you truly desire. 


Powerful workbooks and blueprints to guide you step by step on your journey. This is where I make the woo woo logical and actionable. Everything you will ever need to help you get clarity on your vision, soul aligned clients, dream offer, identity blueprint and more. These aren't cookie cutter one size fits all templates, but guidance and structure to unlock your souls guidance.


The exact daily process myself and my 1:1 clients use to rapidly shift our reality and magnetise insane results. Step by step training, daily journaling prompts and guidance to clear out all of your resistance and manifest on demand. Clients have manifested multiple new clients (after months of 0 clients), unexpected $10K cash deposits,  and more within 48 hours of using this process. This is the most powerful manifestation process you will ever find. 


Guided Meditations, visualisations and EFT recordings to connect you deeper to your soul, activate your highest time line, and fast track your abundance and prosperity.

I know that if you're here, then you've got what it takes.  You simply need the tools and support to unlock and unleash your true power to make it happen.

What you can expect:


> Aligning and receiving the desires that have previously felt unattainable 

> Release the shit that holds you back and operate with a lot more ease

> Scale your business rapidly, collapsing the time it takes to create those $10K, $20K, $30K+ months 

> Master manifestation and the deep knowing that comes with intuitive guidance  

> Master you niche, offers,  messaging so it finally feels truly aligned 

> Become magnetic to more clients, more money, more opportunities 

> Feel rock solid in your self belief and show up as the confident leader you were born to be 


"I'm a big believer that as women we can build businesses our way, create extraordinary wealth, freedom, joy and fulfilment, and still be present with our families. AND that our soul and inner guidance knows the way."

Hey, I'm Susan 

Incase you're new here and wondering who the hell I am. I'm a Mindset, Quantum Manifestation and Soul Strategy Business Mentor guiding women into their next level expansion. 

What I want you to know about me is I hate being put in a box, I rebel at strict instructions, in-fact I down right refuse. Which is why the traditional business courses just have never worked for me. 

My spirit is too strong, she wants to be fully expressed, to do things her way and to fully trust the intuitive pulls that often don't make sense. I've learnt that deep self trust is the path to everything I desire. And that we get to have it all, ALL at once. 

Not only have I mastered the art of aligning energy and clearing resistance (I promise you this is the ONLY thing in your way of your boldest desires), but it is my absolute super power in helping others do this in a powerful way. I'm obsessed with blending science and spirituality, and making the woo woo logical and actionable. 

And while I'm all about the alignment and flow, I have a background in the Fashion industry in General Management roles managing multi million dollar companies. I've built major ecommerce platforms, travelled globally working on product development, launched multiple products, managed teams, scaled companies, and designed and implemented marketing strategies. I get business. I get scaling. I get managing staff and teams. 

And I'm here to tell you that no matter where you have been up until this point, this moment right now is a new moment, a new moment to make a powerful decision. A powerful decision to go all in on your next level expansion. And I am here for it.




Business is easy, follow the flow. How to release the “shoulds” and follow what you truly feel called to do

The energetics of business. Understanding where you’re at right now and where you need to shift to create the business you desire.

Vibrational Alignment and understanding resistance. My most powerful manifestation process to rapidly clear what’s block you so you can manifest your desires fast.

Being worthy of your desires. Worthiness is a massive part of the equation. Finding all of your validation from within.

Soul Aligned Clients and Dream Offers. This is not another niche worksheet, this is about understanding how to create aligned offers and call in those soul clients. 

Limiting Beliefs. You are not broken and you do not need fixing. An effective process to activate the beliefs TODAY that will serve you to create the business you desire.

Trusting your desires are coming. Being able to release control, feel excitement and trust. It’s not just about surrendering.

Quantum Embodiment - Becoming all of you. This is about embodying the next level version of you so you can take that quantum leap you desire.

Emotions are the fuel. Understanding how to use your emotions to fuel your desires.

Trusting your intuition and guidance. How to tap into it. How to identify if. How to act on it

Magnetising Money. Understanding the energy of money, how to identify and shift any blocks.

Taking the Quantum Leap. Realising you’re already there. You are ready. Understanding how to align with it and go there now.


$697 (Usually $997) 


Client Testimonials



Before working with Susan I only knew one way to make lots of money: work really hard. Even though I loved my business and my clients, I also knew this wasn’t sustainable if I wanted to grow. I wanted to work less and earn more. 

Susan helped me to trust my inner guidance and understand the pulls that I needed to follow in order for my business to expand and make quantum leaps. 


Caroline De Kimpe, 
Career Coach



I was struggling to see how I could expand my business and keep up with the workload that I had. I had limiting beliefs that I wasn’t the “boss type” and that it was reserved for other people. 

Within 6 months, I went from working crazy hours to having 7 contractors. I can now spend my time managing the growing business. While the success in my business has been amazing, the most impact that working with Susan has had on me is believing that I can have it all.


Chanida Thongplengsri Clarkston,
Software Developer



The Mastermind has changed my life. I cannot believe how different my business, my income and my mindset is compared to last month before the mastermind began. (I can’t believe the shifts just from last month)

I’m so unbelievably grateful. This has opened vast new possibilities for my business based on my utter belief now that it's available to me. And all of us.


Susie Garden,
Anti-Ageing Naturopath




The first word I would use to describe my experience with Susan, would be 'Miraculous'.

Miraculous as such because, the results brought greater more advanced aspects of leadership skills, healing of past traumas, wisdom, launching my business, the release of limiting beliefs, the increased knowledge around manifestation, visualisation, alignment.

My experience was extraordinary. 


Shelley Gibson, 
Transformation and Mindset Coach




Before working with Susan, I was frustrated that I was doing "all the things" but not able to break past more than $4K a month and even that wasn't consistent. I started listening to her podcast and had so many "ah-ha" moments and it got me in to the right energy to be ready to work with her. While doing the Expand Mastermind, I would listen to one of the trainings from the portal on my morning walk and it would set me up for the day and I would "dream" about living the $10K a month life. All of a sudden, I was getting bookings and by our second month in, I had my first $10K month. I hadn't changed anything in my marketing at all, it was purely from doing the work with Susan. 

If you're feeling stuck and like nothing is working,  I definitely recommend working with Susan to change your mindset and energy!

Elle Harrison,
Website Designer 



I honestly can not say enough about Susan and the work she does. I’ve been in therapy for more than half my life yet I cultivated more epicness with her over 3 months. She has not only helped me land my dream job with a higher pay than I asked for. She has helped me gain clarity and confidence in my own businesses. This work goes far beyond anything I’ve ever been a part of. It’s universal work, it’s life changing and I feel incredibly privileged to have found this women. If you are called to her and her work, follow that. Trust me! I found her the same day I signed up. It was one of the easiest and most profitable decisions I’ve made.

Chanel Vysohlid,
Clinical Counsellor, Mind-Body nutrition Coach and Breathwork Facilitator
I'M IN! 3 x PAY
I'M IN! 6 x PAY


Have some questions?? Send me a DM for a no pressure chat 

