"True freedom and bliss arise when you know who you truly are and co-create from there. When you allow the divine flow of life to create through you; only then do you finally unlock your highest timeline, and all of your deepest desires flow to you with ease."

Susan Francis

Throughout your life you have craved freedom, abundance, success, happiness, love, and so you have chased after them...


You have sought freedom and abundance in more money, a better job, a more successful business.

You have sought love in relationships, friendships, or children.

You have sought happiness in experiences, holidays, possessions, pleasure.

You have been led to believe that if you can just reach that next financial milestone then you can relax; if you have a successful business you will have freedom; when you have more time or heal past traumas you will be happier; when your partner behaves differently; or you find your soul mate partner you will experience more love. 

And yet, despite what you have achieved or created, despite the mindset work, upgrading beliefs or healing work you have done, there is still a deep unease inside you, like something is missing.  

Because there is. The truth is missing. The truth of who you are.  ALL of the freedom, peace, abundance, love, and joy you desire is within you right now. It is your true essence. 

And it's time to return home. You, my beautiful soul, have been guided here for a reason. 

The bliss, the magic, the incredible life full of freedom, joy, abundance, and overflow… it’s yours . You were right. You were put on this planet to experience all of those things. 

But you my darling, have been looking for it in all the wrong places.


In fact your search and efforts have tied you deeper into the illusion. Deeper into the false self, deeper into trying to fix the unfixable. 

Freedom is not found in more money, love is not found in better relationships or more boundaries, happiness is not found in a bigger house, more holidays, or anything external at all.

And you can't get to the magical dream life you seek by constantly upgrading your mindset, committing to a never ending journey of healing past wounds and traumas, or even from releasing the resistance to what you want to manifest either.

You can’t get there from doing any of these things, because none of this is working with the real you. ALL of these things are working on the false you that is pretending to be you. 

The real you is pure consciousness, it’s light, your soul, it’s god within. This is the truth of who you are, and it's whole and complete right now. It's when you connect to this part of you and co-create from there that true magic unfolds in your life. 

The “you” that you have been trying to upgrade, fix and gratify with achievements and experiences is the false you, it’s the persona or ego. It's the conditioned mind patterns of society and your past. It's when you dissolve this part of you that the true you finally shines it's light.

The truth is...


Your deepest desires and most abundant timeline is already lined up and trying to manifest itself into your life right now in the most effortless way (but you have been unknowingly blocking it)

Everything is happening for you. EVERYTHING. It's either part of the divine unfolding of your life's most magical experience, or showing you what you need to let go of in order to receive it. Understanding how to utilise this 3D experience to access your most divine manifestaions is key.

Deep presence  in the now and surrendering to the unfolding of life will bring you so much more abundance and fulfillment than you could ever possibly imagine  

You are consciousness, you are source. 

There is nothing for you, the persona, to figure out. 

There is a divine plan for you, a unique blueprint, your deepest soul's purpose which is meant just for you.

When you get the personal you out of the way everything you didn't even know you desired and so much more will flow to you with ease.

The truth is...


Your deepest desires and most abundant timeline is already lined up and trying to manifest itself into your life right now in the most effortless way (but you have been unknowingly blocking it)

Everything is happening for you. EVERYTHING. It's either part of the divine unfolding of your life's most magical experience, or showing you what you need to let go of in order to receive it. Understanding how to utilise this 3D experience to access your most divine manifestaions is key.

Deep presence  in the now and surrendering to the unfolding of life will bring you so much more abundance and fulfillment than you could ever possibly imagine  

You are consciousness, you are source. 

There is nothing for you, the persona, to figure out. 

There is a divine plan for you, a unique blueprint, your deepest soul's purpose which is meant just for you.

When you get the personal you out of the way everything you didn't even know you desired and so much more will flow to you with ease.


Awaken Your Soul is a profound collective membership experience to guide you back to the truth of who you are. To connect you deep into source, awaken your divine guidance and make your life magical. Allowing your highest, most abundant timeline to be created for you, to flow through you, as all of your soul's highest desires manifest with ease.

What you'll experience:


✓ A releasing of the ego, the false you, and in doing so dissolving the mind made patterns of worry, anxiety, fear, self sabotage, guilt and shame (without years of healing work or mindset work)

✓ Experience a deep inner peace and presence as you connect to your truth, pure consciousness 

✓ Experience more love, joy, deeper connections and healing relationships

✓ Completely new pathways and opportunities opening up, incredible synchronicities and miracles manifesting into your life that your mind could have never imagined 

✓ Clear guidance and clarity on your next steps as you allow the divinity within to guide your life

✓ Surrender to the flow of life, and in doing so discover more fulfillment, purpose and bliss that you’ve ever experienced

✓ Live in a state of pure receiving, allowing your highest timeline to be created through you

✓ Connect to god within and experience true manifestation, your divine blueprint materializing with ease

I know that if you're here, then you've been guided, and you're ready to awaken. You simply need the guidance and support to unlock and unleash your true power.


What's included in our time together:


The Awaken Your Soul portal of trainings is broken down into 12 modules to take you deep into the nature of your reality, the truth of who you are and guide you into your awakening. Powerful, easy to understand trainings + practical daily practices. (I like to make the woo woo simple and logical)


Support is crucial for your ascension as you unlearn everything you think you know and connect to your truth. Twice a month come live with Susan to have your questions answered and experience hot seat coaching.


A private Facebook group and safe space to share, support and connect with aligned souls. Collectively we are raising the consciousness of the planet, and in this community we are accelerating the process. 

The Bonuses:


As the collective evolves there will be a brand new live trainings exploring new topics and diving deeper into how the Universe works, spirituality and effortless manifestation. 


Exclusive access to book 1:1 sessions with Susan to go deeper. A limited number of 1:1 sessions will be available each month at an exclusive price for the Awaken Your Soul Collective. 


Each quarter there will be a new guest expert sharing their insights on topics such as spirituality, ascension, the quantum, healing and other topics to assist in your awakneing.

What you'll learn :


✓ The true nature of our reality, and the roles of the spiritual, quantum and 3D realms 

✓ How the you that you think you are (the beliefs/thoughts/feelings/identity) is actually not the real you and how mindset work and constantly uplevelling beliefs is keeping you trapped in the illusion and constantly struggling 

✓ How to connect to the real you, pure consciousness within and experience the wholeness, the oneness, the presence, right now no matter what is going on around you

✓ The incredible simplicity of this physical experience and how to utilize your 3D reality to access your divine consciousness daily. It’s so simple, it's crazy! 

✓ How to identify and let go of the false you or the conditioned mind, the ego, so you can experience the ultimate peace, freedom and bliss

✓ How to effortless manifest your soul highest desires without “you” having to do a thing, allowing the abundance to flow through you

✓ How to experience deep presence in this moment, accept what is, and surrender to the flow of life

✓ How to co-create incredible opportunities and miracles in your life


Hey, I'm Susan

And for most of my life I just accepted that I wasn’t one of those people that just “felt happy” all the time. I saw others who seemed to just be positive all the time, and internally I was a mess. Anxious, worried, a chronic overthinker. I spent most of my life living in my head and suffering anxiety, afraid of what might happen and what others would think. 

When I discovered the world of personal development and started my own mindset and manifestation coaching business things absolutely shifted. I cleared old patterns, let go of limited beliefs, increased my confidence and learnt how to align my energy to manifest what I wanted. 

But yet something was still missing… there was still a deep unease. I still felt like I was missing part of the puzzle and even though I had practices to align my energy, clear resistance, uplevel beliefs, shift my mindset, and be the “next level” version of me… it was exhausting. It was constant work, and I just had this deep knowing that life wasn't meant to be this hard.

When I finally connected to something deeper, something behind the mind, I started to realise the truth. I started to let go of everything…  the beliefs, the goals, the identities, and discovered that behind all of this there was an awareness; happiness, joy, freedom, peace. It was everything I had always been searching for… our truth. 

When I let go and truly allowed my divine inner knowing to guide me incredible opportunities, synchronicities and abundance started manifesting into my life. Just in the last month I have been invited to have a feature in Forbes magazine, speak on 2 podcasts, create a mini course inside an App that has close to 10, 000 members, speak on a summit, and money has been gifted to me out of the blue. Effortlessly. All without me having to do a thing.

We all have a unique blueprint and our soul’s most abundant timeline is always flowing to us. It just takes us to get out of the way and allow it.

This is for you if...

✓ You have always felt a deep unease that something has been missing from your life, that the secret to true happiness and truth has somehow been just out of reach

✓ A deep inner knowing or sensing that you are a spiritual being, that you are more than "just human", and a desire to know the truth

✓ You’re ready to let go of who you think you are and experience truth (the one and only truth)

✓ You’re ready to be guided by your innate divine knowing and devote to the callings of your soul

✓ You're ready to release control and  step into the unknown to allow your highest timeline to be created through you

✓ You’re ready to commit to the process and experience this transformation. This is not for everyone, not everyone is ready to truly awaken 

✓ You have a knowing that what I speak is truth, even if you don’t fully understand it. Your soul is calling you here. 



 $111 a month 

(3 month minimum commitment)

or $1221 Pay in full for 1 year and receive 1 month free





Still not sure if this is right for you? I'm an open book and I'd love to chat....