The Power Of Decision

mindset Jun 21, 2021

Yesterday I had the most profound shift. I was going to go for a walk but decided to sit in my car and do a meditation first. 


A magpie landed of my car and danced all around my car for 30 mins, I was so mesmerised. 


I decided it must have a meaning and so started googling “spiritual meanings of magpies” (because that's just the kind of crazy shit I do!)


This was the one passage that spoke to me the most… 


“ With the magpie you will fly high and soar in the realm of pure potentiality. You will find a new vision for yourself, with an emphasis on bringing sacred balance, movement and momentum for a new direction in life” **


And then it hit me… like it really hit me.


I hadn’t been DECIDING. Not fully. 


The universe doesn’t care what I do. The universe doesn’t care what I want. 


I just get to decide and it will be reflected.  


I mean, of course I get it in theory. I teach it, I help others with it. I thought I had decided. 


But there was definitely a part of me that had still been looking for evidence.


Looking for evidence that I was on the right track. 

Looking for evidence that I could achieve my desires.

Looking for evidence that I was getting it right. 


I wasn't fully deciding that what I wanted was going to be mine no matter what.


No matter if launches don't live up to expectations.

No matter what responses I get to posts.

No matter how many clients I have right now. 

Or what my bank account looks like.

Or how many podcast downloads I currently have.

Or anything else.  

I have a vision SO BIG and I hadn't fully decided that it would be mine. 




It’s not a matter of if, it’s simply a matter of when. 


I reflected back on my life, before I even knew about manifestation, and I realised every time I had truly decided I was going to make a profound shift it happened.


It happened because I decided with every part of my being and I was not going to take no for an answer. It was mine because I went all in no matter what. No looking back.


I had spent my whole life telling myself I couldn't run. I could do other things, but I wasn't a runner. Until one day I decided that I was going to sign up for a 14km run and run the whole thing. I DECIDED.


I started telling myself different stories. I had legs. I could walk. There was no logical reason why others could run and I couldn't. It just required me to keep moving one foot in front of the other and not stop right? If others could do it, surely I could do it too. 


I did not compare myself to others. I allowed myself to start slowly and be consistent. 


From the moment of decision I started taking different actions. I started small, I started slow, but the universe conspired to align synchronicities along my journey. A bunch of friends signed up with me, we trained every week. And I smashed the 14km run, full of hills in under 80 mins. 


Then there was the time I had been single for 4 years, with only losers on the horizon. Somehow I was attracting men that were already in relationships and just wanted a fling. Seriously!? WTAF!!!


And I had had enough! So I decided… no more! I will not date another man that is not open to a loving long term relationship. EVER!!!


I started telling myself different stories. My old stories were… There are no good ones out there, every guy in Sydney just wants one thing, it's impossible to find someone who really wants love. 


My new stories sounded more like… I'm a successful, lovely, funny, attractive woman. Of COURSE that has to be one man on this planet of 8 billion people who would be my soul mate partner!? 


And so I started taking different actions…. I deleted all of the losers numbers from my phone. I signed up for some dating websites (pre-app era). I decided on the specifics of what I was after, and that I was no longer open to anything that was not a match to that. I met my partner 6 weeks later and we just celebrated 9 years together.


I have more examples, but I’m sure you get the point.


When you decide, like truly decide what you are having then you will find a way. 


Failures, set backs, hurdles just become part of the journey, not a reason to question and doubt if you can really have your desires. 


Because the Universe really doesn't care what you decide you’re having, it is simply reflecting it back to you.


Focus on what didn't work last time and how hard it is and receive more of that.


Focus on the vision with unwavering belief and watch the Universe move mountains to bring it to you.


I have always understood that whatever I set my mind on I could have, but somehow in this entrepreneurial world it seems more personal, it feels like there is more on the line. 


Playing in the realm of social media you’re so exposed. 


I get it. I get all of it.


But there is truly NOTHING that is unavailable to you when you decide that it's yours. 


Surround yourself with those already living the life that you desire. Use it to inspire you as to what's possible. 


Others successes used to trigger me, I used to compare myself. Now I just use it to fire me up.


Say whaaaat did you just do!? OMG girl, I want some of that!!!  Let’s go!!


Decide. Decide. Decide. 


Like truly at your core, in every part of your being, really decide what you want.


And go all in no matter what. 


When you have this fire in your belly there is nothing that can stop you. 






Love Susan x


** Passage taken from Universe of Symbolism

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