Your deepest desires are accessed through your soul

Sep 15, 2023

What you think you want isn’t really what you want. 


I know there are things that you currently want, or you're currently waiting for that you think will make your life better. 


Things like… when the kids finish school, or when I make more money in my business, or when I lose 5kgs, or when I get the promotion…. Then I will be able to ________ (fill in the blank),  and then I will be happier, more free, have more choices, feel better


You see the things you think you want aren’t really what you want. The dream home, finding the perfect partner, making lots of money, going on picture perfect holidays, and having a slim toned body aren’t really what you want.


What you really want is freedom. 

What you really want is to experience happiness and joy.

What you really want is abundance and choice.

What you really want is inner peace.


The problem is your mind has conditioned you to believe that getting the things you want will bring you the feelings that you desire.


But it wont.


If you stop for a moment and reflect you’ll know that too.


You currently have around you in your experience many things, people, and experiences that you once thought would make you happy.


Perhaps you’re married, you have the kids you always wanted, own your own home, have a successful business, and yet…. It’s not enough.


There is still an unease, a wanting, a yearning for more.


A feeling that if I can just get to/do/have this next thing then I will feel happy/free/abundant. 


The greatest illusion is that this external reality we are living in can ever provide you with what you want, because what you want are feelings, and your mind is constantly making up new conditions on what has to happen in the external world in order to achieve them. 


The mind, or the self concept of who you think you are, is never happy, never satisfied. Its never completely content with what is. The mind perpetually lives in the past and future, never in the now. 


The mind is limited, it doesn’t know how to create the most abundant, fulfilling, magical life for you. It can’t.


All the mind knows is the past. It knows the experiences it has had before and the stories and assumptions it has made about them to create a list of conditions that you now live your life by. 


The mind is constantly judging what is good and bad, wanted and unwanted, what it likes and dislikes; and it's all built on past conditioning.


And it’s limiting you.


You are not your mind…  you are your soul, a divine presence inside, you are pure consciousness and everything you desire right now is available to you. 


It’s hiding right behind the mind, behind the judgments and perceptions. 


This divine presence is everything you have been looking for; all the peace, joy, freedom, and abundance. You have access to it right now. 


And the best part; this divine consciousness knows the path to the most rewarding, exciting, phenomenal 3D experience for your lifetime. It knows what the mind can not. 


Let me give you an example. For most of my life I didn't want children. I watched my mother be the homemaker and raise 4 kids, constantly cooking, cleaning and running us around. My dad worked, earnt the money and made the decisions. She had no power, no independence. 


My mind decided that in order to have the freedom, choice, adventure and abundance that I desired for myself, kids were not a part of that.  It wasn’t until I reached my early 30’s that I started to think…. Maybe I might want them, I wasn’t sure, but I was open.


When I met my partner at 34 he already had a daughter and he was a committed, devoted father who saw me as an equal. I could finally see that having children could be shared, and could be different to my experience growing up.


My daughter is now 8 and she has been the greatest gift of my life. She brings me so much joy and is so spiritually connected, she is constantly teaching me. Having her was the catalyst to leave my 9 to 5 job and start my own business. Having her has led me to discover great freedom, joy, abundance and inner peace. 


Everything I thought I wouldn’t be able to have through having a child was the complete opposite. Literally, the complete opposite.


My mind had judged the experiences of my past and made up stories, and beliefs. It had dictated what I wanted. I thought that following my own personal beliefs and decisions would bring me what I wanted, but it was in fact letting go of everything I thought I knew and following the pulls of my soul that life unfolded in a much more magical way than I ever could have imagined. 


Your mind doesn't know what you really want, but your soul does.


In my Awaken Your Soul Program I will show you how to utilize this 3D reality to let go of the personal mind, the judgments, the perceptions and instead access your soul, your truth. When you do synchronicities unfold,  opportunities arise, miracles appear. 


A life beyond what your mind can ever imagine is waiting for you.


Are you ready?


You can also listen to my podcast, episode #123, of the Soul Aligned Business Babes, where I go deeper into this.


Much love, Susan x


PS - This photo was taken where the blog was inspired and written 

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There is an easier way and it's simpler than you think. Let me show you how. 

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